Many years ago the idea of pre-planning one’s funeral with local funeral directors would have had many people reeling back at the thought of contemplating their death. However, in more recent times, pre-planning a funeral has become more commonplace, with as many as 25% of the funerals that funeral directors arrange being pre-planned and pre-paid funerals accounting for over 50% of them.
One distinction we must make here is between pre-planned and pre-paid funerals. Pre-planned funerals are where the individual, often in conjunction with their family, speaks to a funeral director and specifies what sort of funeral they will have when they pass. This can be a general arrangement about the type of funeral or very specific, where every detail is agreed upon with funeral directors.
In most cases, a pre-planned funeral will have been paid in full or in part. However not all pre-paid funerals are pre-planned. These are funerals where the individual has made arrangements, often through a special policy, for their funeral to be paid for in advance, however, the details of that funeral are for the deceased’s family to decide upon at the time of the individual’s passing. Of the two, preplanned funerals have more benefits, and here are seven of them.
It Ensures Your Wishes Are Fulfilled: Often cited as the main benefit of pre-planning one’s funeral. is the fact that you can be sure that it is your choices that are met as to how you want loved ones to say goodbye to you. Whether you wish to be buried, cremated, have a religious funeral, or have an upbeat celebration of your life, it can be arranged by the funeral directors based on your stated wishes.
Decisions Can Be Made Without Emotion: Whilst none of us looks forward with glee to our passing, given that it might be many years before that will come to pass, it means that you can discuss your funeral with your family and your chosen funeral directors with a minimum of emotion. Instead, you can make clear, practical decisions related to your funeral which are certain to be more appropriate than any member of your family making them in a highly emotional state.
Your Family Has Less To Cope With During Their Initial Grieving Period: Your passing is certain to send those who loved you into emotions ranging from shock to grief, especially if your death is sudden. With all that, as well as other matters they must attend to like obtaining a death certificate and informing others about your passing, them not having to also arrange your funeral because you pre-planned it, will lift a huge burden from them.
Reduces The Financial Burden On Your Family After Your Passing: Each of us has different financial circumstances, including how much our spouse, partner, or family relies on us financially so this might apply more to some than others. However, one benefit that applies when pre-planning your funeral, including pre-paying for it, is that immediately following your death, any concerns about paying for your funeral are nullified for your loved ones.
You Save Money Too: If death is a certainty of life then so is inflation as we all know if we think about how much things cost 20 years ago compared to now. A benefit to you of pre-planning and paying for your funeral now, versus 10 or 20 years from now, is that what you pay will be less. You are also likely to have the option of paying it in instalments which should help your cash flow.
Avoids Disagreements Within Your Family: One of the unfortunate things that can happen following someone’s death, is that each of their family believes they knew what they would have wanted for their funeral. The problem is, each one of them thinks something different with the resultant arguments and disagreements that surely follow. All of these potential disagreements are removed if a funeral is pre-planned.
It Means You Can Personalise Your Funeral: One of the best benefits of pre-planning your funeral is that you can personalise it as much as you wish. On one hand, you might be happy with a simple, generic send-off, but on the other, you might want a funeral that has your personality running throughout it. That could mean you choosing the colour of the coffin, the music played, the order of service, and even your favourite foods served at the wake.